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I'm a student at the University of South Alabama where I hope to become a high school history teacher one day.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Final Blog Post- May 2nd

We've used a lot of technological tools in this class, and this blog is a final declaration as to what we've learned and what we've learned from those tools.

Our first question involved us making a list of what we've learned by using all of the tools assigned to us. If you've been following this blog, you will realize that we have used tools like iTunes U, podcast, twitter, delicious, Google docs, Comments4teachers, Comments4kids, Google Earth, and other tools to make sure we are not technologically illiterate as we enter the field of education. I've learned that iTunes U is extremely helpful. It gives the students a more rounded view of the information you are teaching, and it can help you study for a test. Podcast are also helpful when teaching. It can give the students that learn with audio, a chance to understand the lectures better. Twitter, I honestly didn't find the significance in it. Granted, it makes it easier to follow certain people and to keep you networked, however, if you don't know what you are doing it can be complicated. Google Earth is a very helpful tool, especially if you're teaching the subject of history. They can look and see where everything is and what used to be. Google docs is an amazing tool. It can do everything Microsoft Office can do, except you don't have to pay for this. Comments4kids was helpful, because we saw how kids are getting more involved with technology. And comments4teachers helped us develop our PLN, which we will use when enter our teaching field.

The second question asked us if there was something that we should have learned in this class. My answer to this was no, I honestly believe that we have learned how to use everything out there. I would have liked to expand our knowledge of Google Docs a little more. I wanted to learn how to do a grade book using Google Docs.

Third question asked if we learned anything that we should have not. I think the tools that we studied thoroughly are the tools most used. I would have liked to have covered moodle. I saw that on one of the teacher's I commented on. I found it very interesting. It is a community online sharing site. That's all I know.

Fourth question asked us if we found this class useful. In all honesty, I found this class useful. Eventually we will have to use these tools, it may not be right now, but eventually the education system will convert. And I found most of the stuff useful and eye opening; especially everything you can with itunes...I thought that was great, that really excited me.

He then asked if we were bored by this class at anytime. I found some of the blogs boring. I mean I'd watch three blogs/videos with the same message. That to me is boring.

I found the professional blog to be intellectually challenging. It really made me sit down and think about why am I becoming a teacher.

I would only add going over evernote. That to me was incredible; it's so nice not having to remember everything, and to have it right there in front of you. I just wish I knew how to use it.

I think I would rate myself as a medium technologically literate teacher. I think I can do too much to be a low, however, I still have a lot to learn, so I'd say medium.

I plan to keep this up by keeping myself up to date with the latest technology out there. If there is one thing I've learned from all the videos we have watched: you better stay connected. It's kind of like social darwinism: if you don't learn to adapt you won't survive, and I want to survive, so I will stay up to date. How I plan to do this is simple: Follow certain blogs on technology and what is going on. Hopefully, this will help, but as long as I'm willing to learn, I think I'll be ok.


  1. Thanks for your honest reflections Jessica. You made some very good points and we appreciate the feedback.

    I really liked what you said about keeping up with whats going on in technology. You must keep up because one thing builds on another and if you get outside the loop for too long you might as well start over.

    Somewhere you also talked about people growing and changing. If I'm not mistaken, I saw a lot of growth and change on your part over the course of this semester and I commend you for that.

    The most important thing you said was your last line, "as long as I'm willing to learn, I think I'll be OK. I think so too. SS

  2. "...however, if you don't know what you are doing it can be complicated. " True about most things, not only Twitter!

    "...as long as I'm willing to learn, I think I'll be ok."

    Good luck!
