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I'm a student at the University of South Alabama where I hope to become a high school history teacher one day.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gary's Social Media Counts

I found this little bit of information to be interesting and probably truthful. This assignment is a blog that counts the people using these social media apps, for example, twitter, facebook, Myspace; how many people are on the internet; the amount of revenue made off advertising on facebook, etc. It's amazing how much society is starting to rely on technology. And it is evident that we as future teachers need to learn this every evolving technology.

1 comment:

  1. nice job! It is very evident that as future teachers we need to be in touch with technology. Education is definitely changing for the better by introducing new tech stuff, and it is up to US to make sure our kids get to explore all of these great materials! : )
